• I am the founder of WHOLEU, and my desire is to reach as many people as possible, to offer a place where everyone has the opportunity to find a therapist and a forum that can meet them exactly where they are right now, to reconnect with themselves and their fullest essence. We are all whole, we are all amazing, and we are all pure love. Sometimes, things happen in life or we carry with us what is not ours, which may prevent us from having the connection with ourselves that we are meant to have. Sometimes, we need someone to help us do the work within ourselves, someone who can hold our space when we dive deep within ourselves to dissolve what may be blocking us, and shine as brightly as you are meant to with all of yourself. You meet me in Intuitive Healing.

  • I have always been interested in the physical health. What started out as an interest in sports performance soon led to many injuries in my athlete career. I have been to countless manual therapists and physiotherapists, having conversations with teachers and personal trainers about my problems but their answers led to more questions. This eventually led me to Postural Therapy, and not only did I get rid of my injuries, I also understood why I have been going around with pain for so long. Now I treat patients in bettering their posture for less pain in the structural body but also for performance enhancement. I understand the challenges of living with discomfort which is why I have a burning desire to help people in living a life I know they deserve.

  • I am a highly sensitive person since childhood, a great gift to sense, know, see and hear what a few people do. I learned early on not to talk about it because no one wanted to listen or believe what I "knew", so I kept everything to myself and felt different from everyone else. This led me to spend a lot of time in nature and with different animals. There, I felt at home, the energy flowed, and the communication was wordless. My interest in Mother Earth, native people, and goddess cultures began there, and my "teachers" were Native Americans who told me what was important for me on the path of life, which later led me to pursue spirituality education. I enjoyed placing my hands on people and animals who were in pain or sad, and they felt better afterwards.

  • I live on Gotland and have been running Jordeliv Spa & Course Center since 2016.

    My journey in personal development has included body therapy, shamanism, numerous courses, deep processes, and a great interest in psychology & communication.

    I am originally trained as a massage therapist and have since completed a year of training to become a Dearmourer & wombhealer.

    I have also developed my own focus on Tantra and I educate and give sessions in Somatic Tantra Coaching.

    In May 2024, I will also be a fully trained Human Design Analyst and will be doing readings.

  • With over 17 years as an expatriate and living in the USA, UK, and Brazil, I have not only successfully run my own businesses in import, fashion, restaurants, education, property management, and tourism but also coached and guided others for over 10 years. I combine my entrepreneurship with a passion for personal development through experiences such as nutritional experiments, therapeutic conversations, Ayahuasca rituals, meditation, strength training, and yoga. These experiences have deepened my understanding of myself and humanity. My most meaningful moments include assisting in unassisted home births of my 3 children. I am well aware that each individual has a unique journey, and my role is to support and guide each individual on their unique path to personal growth and balance.

  • As a facilitator in KAP (Kundalini Activation Procees) and PSYCH-K®, I support people in waking up to their true nature and finding peace, purpose, and fulfilment. In KAP, I transmit life-force energy (kundalini) and non-dual states of consciousness to help you rise above the illusion of separation and experience Oneness. In PSYCH-K®, we venture into your subconscious mind to quickly rewrite any limiting beliefs that sabotage reaching your goals. Both modalities are evolutionary tools that expand our consciousness and allow us to transform stress into bliss, fear into love and the need for control into a state of grace.

    PSYCH-K® and KAP found me when I needed them the most, and through my own process, I learned just how effective they were. I was able to heal from severe burnout, chronic stress and General Anxiety Disorder. And most importantly, I’ve become a conscious creator of my reality.

    Now, I’m dedicated to guiding you towards your highest potential. In my work, I combine over 20 years of personal growth with Western science and Eastern wisdom to create space for you to release what no longer serves you.

    Are you ready to experience true joy and connection with yourself and all of life?

  • I am a former international rugby player. My career consisted of over 200 professional games, including two World Cup campaigns for Ireland, a grand final victory for Leeds Rhinos, and two more final victories with leading rugby league teams. My journey into the wellness industry started after taking up breathwork as a tool to help me improve my performance in elite sports and reduce pre-competition anxiety. Six years later, I now work with professional athletes including Olympians, FTSE 100 executives, and everyone in between, helping them achieve a sense of inner well-being, decreasing stress and anxiety, and accessing the 'flow state' to improve performance at work and in amateur and professional sport.

  • I have experience working in various areas within health, including as a fitness instructor in aerobics, spinning, kickboxing, and gym. Through this, I have realized the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle. It was then that I realized the significance of muscle balance, which led me to further educate myself as a masseuse. My training as a masseuse also introduced me to TCM and acupuncture, where the focus is on creating balance both in the body and soul. Previously, I have worked in school environments, recreational centers, home care, and LSS, which has truly reinforced my understanding that balance is needed on the inside, deep into the soul.

  • Sören possesses an empathetic disposition and a natural talent for coaching. His grounded sense of security is contagious and makes it effortless for clients to open up. Sören is trained to support you in a profound transformation where you can see more clearly, find your own answers and act more powerfully in life from a coaching process based on the simple presence of Zen coaching. The one-year part-time four-step Zen Coaching training program provides a deep and life-changing journey. It was created by Kåre Landfald and has trained over 500 coaches in this unique approach in Sweden, Norway, Poland and South Africa since 2005. The training has been led by main teacher Kåre Landfald as well as Kavina Thorslund, Roger Marklund and leads to certification as a coach in the international Zen Coaching network.

  • I have always been interested in spirituality. It is passed down through the women in my lineage. I grew up with John Bauer's books, among gnomes and trolls, which shaped my connection to the forest and nature spirits. And when Ted Gärdestad sang "I want my own moon," I wanted that too. I dreamed of soaring among the stars. Today, I live in a house in the countryside, right under the Milky Way/ the Galactic Center/ the Portal of Light. Working as a lightworker/holistic health therapist is a significant part of my life now. In my world, humans, animals, plants, herbs, and crystals coexist. My philosophy is that everything needs each other to harmonize. I work with all aspects of this. Therefore, I also do energy work in places that need healing and raising their frequencies. Restoring balance to our Mother Earth is just as important for us as it is for her.

  • I am a healer who possesses a unique ability to guide people through spiritual healing and trauma. With my experience as a Rose & Moon Priestess and Multidimensional Healer, I have access to deep knowledge and treatments such as Chiron healing, Family & genetic healing, and kundalini/Imara Reiki.

    I take my work and you very seriously, and I am empathetic, aware, intuitive, open, discreet, and caring. I have been on a healing journey myself and can relate to the challenges that my clients face. With my strong ability to listen, understand, and support my clients, I create a safe and healing environment for them to explore and heal their wounds.

    By combining my expertise with a deep empathy and compassion for people's innermost needs, I provide each individual with the personal care and support they need to heal and grow. My dedication to my clients' well-being and spiritual growth makes me a valued healing therapist.

dare to be the change